Always Be Batman

One of the first posts I ever saw on Facebook was this:

I laughed out loud and reposted it.

The phrase implies that though individuality is important, there might be something better than the typical me. It asks the question: how can I maintain my individuality but also be willing to change for the better?

In addition to reading books and taking live classes and workshops, one of the things I do to improve my skills as a teacher is to listen to really good teachers lead online yoga classes. I do this while cooking, driving or anything else that doesn’t need my undivided attention. I hear echoes of these writers and teachers as I explore my own voice as a teacher and practitioner.

If you look more closely at the meme, you might notice that while the phrase implies an either/or scenario, the picture implies a balance of individuality and empowerment. I mean, look at that kid. He is clearly both himself and Batman. He owns both.

Christians use the phrase, “WWJD” (What Would Jesus Do?). Not subscribing to a particular faith, I often substitute the word “Love” for “God” or “Jesus.”

Maybe this month’s theme should be “Always Be Love” (even if you can be Batman).

What do you think? Can you own both like the kid?